Adding Approvals From Payers

Michael McLeod Updated by Michael McLeod

Providers and dental offices will receive credentialing application approvals from multiple sources including email, payer messages, and regular mail. Recording the approvals from each payer helps to manage your provider roster and receive timely recredentialing notifications from DentalXChange. With CredentialConnect, you can save the approval information directly on the application.

Step 1: Find the Application

Start by logging into your DentalXChange account and navigating to the submitted applications section of your credentialing applications. Find the application by searching for the provider and payer on the list.

You can also find the application submission page by navigating to the Payer Messages section and clicking "View Application" on the message view screen.

Step 2: Log the Approval

Click the Payer Approved button and enter the required information. You can also upload a copy of the approval letter as well as save the letter to the provider profile.

You can also record denials using this tool - simply click the appropriate button and follow the steps

Step 3: Record Any Plans or Locations

After recording the approval, you can add plans or locations. Simply click the "Modify Plans" button and add as many plans as the approval notification includes.

You can also add locations indicated on the approval by clicking "Modify Locations". This list is not limited to locations included on the application so you can add as many as you would like here.

Frequently Asked Questions

What benefit does recording approvals provide?
Recording your approvals helps to better manage your provider roster and ensures you receive timely notifications for recredentialing.
Am I required to approvals?
Nope! While we encourage recording your approvals, it's not required by DentalXChange to use our products.
Do I need to record plan and location approvals?
We recommend recording approvals exactly as you receive them from the payer. You are welcome to store them however best fits your workflow.
What if my approval varies by plan and location?
You have the ability to store specific dates by plan and location. Click the modify plans or location button to edit each item specifically.
I don't see any approval buttons for my application
Some payers do not support status changes in CredentialConnect as the payer will update the status directly in our system. For these payers, you will see a message in the application submission page which says no actions can be taken at this time. If you feel this message is displayed in error, please reach out to the payer for additional help or the DentalXChange support team.

How did we do?

Creating a New Account with CredentialConnect
