Manually Running an Eligibility Check

James McKinley de Vance Updated by James McKinley de Vance

In addition to being able to pull the appointments from your software, Eligibility AI also has the ability to run manual eligibility checks. If you ever need to run a manual check due to a walk-in or appointment cancelation, or if you don't have a connection to your Practice Management Software, here is how you would do it:

From the Daily Huddle Status page, click on "New Eligibility Check" in the top right corner. This will pull up the window to enter the appointment details.

Simply fill out the date and time of the appointment, the procedure codes, the provider, patient, and subscriber information, and select the patient's insurance company. Once you have all these sections filled out, click on "check eligibility" to run the manual check.

The individual checks themselves can take between 5-30 minutes to complete. This is due to our AI not only capturing the benefit information for the patient, but also organizing and formatting that information so that all results are consistent across the payers. Because of this, we strongly recommend that you use the schedule settings to have the Eligibility AI platform run checks a few days before the appointment overnight.

For more information on the Schedule Settings, please see the Administration Overview on our Introduction to Eligibility AI article.

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