Using Capture All Attachments

Lindsey Schurman Updated by Lindsey Schurman

In addition to managing attachments at the individual claim level, attachments can be added to multiple attachments in a single session of the DentalXChange Desktop Service tool by selecting Capture All Attachments on the Claims Needing Attachments page.

  1. Select Capture All Attachments. The DentalXChange Desktop Service application launches with a list of claims.
  2. Double click claim to begin.
  3. On the Practice computer, open the image to be captured.  If multiple monitors are used, the application will capture only on the main monitor.
  4. Select Capture Image. Crosshairs will appear. Use the cursor to draw a box around the image to be captured.
  1. Select the Image TypeImage Date and Orientation if required. Select Send Image.
    1. If the image is captured is incomplete, select Re-Capture Image to restart these steps.
  1. The screen will display all captured images for this claim, If additional images are required, select Capture Image. If no additional Images, select Submit Claim and move to the next claim on the list.
    1. Select Suspend Claim to review the claim prior to submission on ClaimConnect.
  2. Repeat for all additional claims.

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Searching for a Claim with Attachments
