Submitting a Claim Directly on DentalXChange

Lindsey Schurman Updated by Lindsey Schurman

  1. From the Dashboard, select Single Claim.
  2. Select the Billing and Rendering providers, Enter initial Patient information and select the payer to Start the claim. Select Next.
  1. Enter the Patient Details. Select Next.
  2. Enter the Subscriber Details. Select Create Claim.
  3. Complete claim details with all non procedure information applicable to the claim. Select Next.
  4. Complete Claim Item Detail with all procedure related claim information. Select Finish.
  1. If you selected the patient has additional dental coverage under the patient section, the additional Insurance Coverage Details section will appear. Complete and select Finish.
  2. Review the Claim Form to ensure accurate information, add Attachments, then select Submit Claim.

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Uploading a Batch Claim File
