Adding Users to DentalXChange

Lindsey Schurman Updated by Lindsey Schurman

Once you have registered for your DentalXChange Account. You can create additional usernames to provide access to your users.

  1. Select Account in the top left corner of DentalXChange.
  2. Select Manage User Logins under Security.
  3. Select Add New User.
  4. Complete the New User Information and Select Continue.
    1. To see the what each role includes, select the question mark next to the Role selection dropdown
    2. Auto-generate password is auto selected and it is best practice to use an auto generated password for the initial temporary password for a new user.
  5. The New User will receive an email with their new Username and a temporary password to login to DentalXChange. The email will be from EHG Customer Support.
  6. Login to DentalXChange.
  7. Upon first login, the temporary password will reset and request the user enter a unique password.

From here begin submitting!

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