Correcting a Validation Error

Lindsey Schurman Updated by Lindsey Schurman

Claims with Validation Errors are claims that have information that is missing or does not conform to industry standards. Claims will be flagged with a validation error and will not be sent to the payer until corrected. Validation Errors usually apply to provider, patient/subscriber or procedure code information.

  1. Select Claims with Validation Errors under View All Problem Claims on Claim Search Screen.
  2. Select a claim by the Claim ID or Validation Error status.
  3. The Claim Section containing the error will appear at the top of the screen. Scroll down to the section to see the specific error to work on. Select Edit Section.
  4. A Popup will open to make changes. Update the section with the appropriate changes needed and select Save.
  1. Review the claim for accuracy and select Submit Claim.
  2. Continue to fix the rest of your problem claims or search claims for any updates.

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