Locating Real-Time Eligibility Payers

Lindsey Schurman Updated by Lindsey Schurman

Accessing the payer list will allow a practice to know if a Payer supports Real-Time Eligibility and Benefits.

  1. From the Dashboard page, under Electronic Claims Services, select the Claim Services Home (house button).
  1. In the left side menu, under Support, select Payer List.

  1. The ELI column displays details for payers supported by DentalXChange Real-Time Eligibility.
  1. The BEN column displays details for payers supported by DentalXChange Real-Time Eligibility and provide additional benefit breakdowns.
  2. To Run a Real-Time Eligibility transaction, check out our Running a Real-Time Eligibility article.

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How to Use Real-Time Eligibility
