Adding an Attachment to a Claim
When a Claim requires an attachment, it will be present under Claims Needing Attachments. Select Claims Needing Attachments to view all claims waiting for you to add an attachment based on the preset…
Completing a Payer Request for Additional Details
When a Payer requests an attachment with additional details, this is called a Solicited Attachment. Locate the claim using Claim Search functions. Open the Claim by clicking on the Claim ID. Scroll t…
Creating a Custom Attachment Rule
AttachmentConnect gives you the ability to create your own rules for attachments. Custom Rules will prioritize higher than payer rules and overwrite payer requirements when present. In the Settings s…
Creating a Stand Alone Attachment
Stand Alone Attachments are attachments created independently of the claim. It is either provided directly to the payer or added manually as an Attachment ID to the claim. From the Dashboard, Select…
Download the Attachment Tool
Download the DentalXChange Desktop Service application in order to use the Image Capture feature. Navigate to the Account page and select Electronic Attachment Settings. On the Electronic Attachment…
FAQs for AttachmentConnect
What is AttachmentConnect? AttachmentConnect allows providers using ClaimConnect to create attachments within ClaimConnect. Images may be acquired by a screen capture, file upload, or archive of prev…
Locating the Attachment Payer List
Accessing the payer list will allow a practice to know if a Payer supports electronic attachments. From the Dashboard page, under Electronic Claims Services, select the Claim Services Home (house but…
Searching for a Claim with Attachments
The Claim/Encounter Search page allows you to view problem claims, today’s activity, and to search for claims. When searching submitted claims, it is possible to identify claims that were submitted w…
Using Capture All Attachments
In addition to managing attachments at the individual claim level, attachments can be added to multiple attachments in a single session of the DentalXChange Desktop Service tool by selecting Capture…